Sunday, October 28, 2012

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like witches, tourists, Twiggy, rednecks and ghostbusters.

Please play this video on repeat while you read this post. It has been the soundtrack of my life for the weekend. Like, seriously. I typed "repeat" after "youtube" in the link (you're welcome!) on Friday afternoon and haven't stopped listening since.

I am also glad I have a solid 6 years until I am too old to sing Taylor Swift's "22". 

Ever have weekends that are just a ball of fun? That's this weekend. It must be something about people being hyped on candy and everyone wearing costumes (tourist, anyone?), because I feel like everyone's in a good mood.

Friday was WyldLife costume bowling. We may or may not have bowled right next to a 4-year-old's birthday party that was also costume bowling. Hilarious. I can't think of a better way to spend the night.

Thankful for super great kids and super great leaders that let me fulfill my tacky touristy dreams and take pictures of them all night. We had so much fun dancing and scarfing down pizza and breaking the bumpers and being pretty terrible at bowling.

Thankful that my best friend is now 18 after a solid month of saying "Well I'm ALMOST 18, so I'm just going to say I am." Thankful that she is hipster as ever with her hot new nose piercing and thankful that she is still the best friend I could ever ask for even though we are polar opposites.

Thankful that middle school boys are absolutely hilarious and think of shenanigans I could never even dream of. Yes, someone is pushing him through a tunnel of friends. Thankful that after approving the pictures I took, Bruno proclaimed, "I obviously look the best out of all of us." Hilarious.

Thankful that this happens when middle school girls get ahold of my camera.  Love the hippie and butterfly costumes. I'm still laughing about these gems. Love love love these hilarious girls!

Thankful for the lovely ladies of Magnolia for the Monster Mash 2012 and that I got to spend time with such wonderful people. Thankful that other people took pictures because my tourist costume died when my camera did. I love Mal a whole lot and I'm glad we make time to take pictures together every time we see each other because every time is special. Love that Adam and his popcorn box are in the back of this picture. 

Hope yours was full of friends and fun.

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