Monday, October 29, 2012

"I don't care how long the picture takes if it means we get to hug longer!"

Tonight was Trunk or Treat, my church's Halloween event. Groups at our church get together to dress up in costume and decorate their cars, then we all park in the church parking lot and hand out candy to the kids who come. It's like trick-or-treating, but way easier on the 4-year-olds who get all the candy without all the walking. My small group, the senior girls, dressed up as cowgirls and we had a blast. I love all these girls a whole lot and can't wait to do life with them the rest of this year.
 Alex, Kristin, Kate, Lauren, Katherine, Samantha, Michelle, Kendall
You can't tell but we are really cold! Even though it was insanely frigid, I was so excited to see how many cars there were with people passing out candy, and how creative people got with the themes, just to make sure the kids had fun. There must have been at least 200 kids who came up to our car! Love my church.

Super candid. Do cowgirls have lassos? Beats me. Probably. Somehow our cowgirl theme became a cowgirl-lumberjack-desert theme. Our car was decorated in cacti, we all donned flannel and boots, and I kept warm in a lumberjack hat. So basically, a successful evening.

Obviously we were all in for a picture with Webster, Lauren's new puppy. I love these two girls and would never have expected that Kate's and my friendship with Alex, which started with taking selfies at Lake Michigan over the summer (I know what you're thinking...but selfies rock.) would turn into us all being such wonderful friends. 

Shenanigans. I love Alex. This happy girl never fails to make my day and I'm so glad she drove an hour out of her way to come give out candy. She is a blessing and I'm so glad she's a part of our small group.

So excited to see Michelle, my favorite sophomore! We danced together for a couple years when we were both in middle school and I am so excited that I get to see her all the time at school now. I love her enthusiasm about life and that she is always so smiley. I'm sad I won't get to hug her lots and lots next year when I'm away at school, but I know she's going to continue to do wonderful things at New Trier. 

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