Sunday, November 18, 2012

"How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice!"

The first thing I did today when I got home from Fall Weekend was go on Pinterest. Surprising? Probably not. So I also shouldn't have been surprised when this was one of the first pins on my feed:
Sista, preach. I am not kidding when I say that Fall Weekend is the silliest and most ridiculous weekend of the year. It must be the combination of living with 50 other girls in cabins down the hall, the incredible amount of sugar and junk food we all bring with us, and being able to "unplug" from our phones and actually live in the moment instead of getting caught up in liking photos on Instagram sending selfies on Snapchat.

Young Life North Shore drove up to Lake Geneva, WI for Fall Weekend this year. It is our second year going for Fall Weekend and my fourth trip there--I went both sophomore and junior years for Work Weekend as well. Lake Geneva isn't the same as Timber Wolf but I love it just as much. We left on Friday night and you could practically feel how excited everyone was.

Lauren-Kate, Annie, Alaynah, Kendall, Caroline

Meet my cabin! There were 4 senior girls and our leader, Alaynah. It is YL North Shore tradition to wear onesies to our first breakfast of Fall Weekend. I seriously love traditions like these. It's hilarious to see the reactions of the kids from other areas when 20 or 30 girls all show up to breakfast looking like adult-size babies. But what I also love is that everyone thinks it's funny and everyone is all in. There is no "I'm too cool for this" or "I don't want to" at Fall Weekend. I love laughing at myself and I'm glad my friends are people who do too.

Another YL tradition: ketchup writing. It seriously sucks for the people washing dishes, but this is just too hilarious to pass up. During breakfast a leader came up to our table and delivered a plate with three ketchup hearts on it. Hilarious. We had to find out who had sent it and we had to write back, pronto. Oh and of course I had to capture it. Below are the messages we received from our not-so-secret admirer table:

A collective invitation to Homecoming. Why not?
Oh thanks. We were glad that some teenage boys actually appreciated the modesty and cold-weather protection of the onesie. We promptly sent back some winky faces and more hearts.

More onesie photoshoots. If you were ever wondering, it is hilariously awkward to wear a onesie and it is even more hilariously awkward to have to pose for a picture in a onesie alone. Tyler and Gabbie took different approaches in order to handle the awkward.

First club of Saturday! Whatever Young Life camp I go to, I am always so happy when I step into the club room. There is so much anticipation for club and being able to break through those doors and sprint to the front of the room, so close to the stage, is seriously one of the best feelings ever. I love the excitement when the next song we can belt at the top of our lungs comes on and how everyone knows program by the end of the weekend and recites the lines along with the program characters. I love that this weekend we brought people who had never been to club - how awesome that your first YL Club is with a couple hundred other people?

It was Hannah's birthday and obviously we have to have a better celebration than singing Happy Birthday. You bet we do - spooning her plate! No not the cuddling version. The Young Life version. Obviously we got a little off track with the other silverware and sandwiches and such, but you get it. Happy birthday Hannah! And Tatum and Cailin too!

The North Shore girls decided to get crazy for mealtime once again and give ourselves eye black, football player style... except with glitter. It was hilarious to see people shedding glitter and establishing the Glitter Patrol with Alaynah and the girls in my cabin - basically meaning we went up to the North Shore boys and forced them to wear the glitter too.

 Parker loves the Glitter Patrol. Glitter in the beard. Sounds like a Ke$ha song. 

Are they trying to be pretty? Are they trying to be ugly? You'll never know.

Team 2 loves field games! There was a little bit of struggling during Baby, Backpack, Bronco...

 ...but obviously we still had a wonderful time!

(p.s. this is only Part 1 of Fall Weekend, so whoopsie daisy if you read till the end and are angry that I am not yet done talking about our 48 hours of fun!)

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