Sunday, November 25, 2012

I didn't choose the good life, the good life chose me.

(Please note the Tupac reference. I changed the quote but obviously I am still living the thug life. It goes without saying. Also, who uses parentheses at the beginning of something? What?)

Oh hi there! The rest of this Thanksgiving break has been entirely wonderful. Thought maybe I would update you on my life, and maybe start with an Instagram recap since it really does show exactly what's going on in my life.
1. Being artsy with fake candles. Sometimes I try too hard. It's whatever.
2. Baking adventures with my momma for Thanksgiving day brunch.
3. An incredible brunch full of friends and food!
4. My tacky finds during Black Friday shopping with Gnomes (sadly not pictured).
5. Crafting night. Holla at yo Pinterest gurl. 
6. Sunday morning Chicago adventures.

Friends at Michelle's Thanksgiving brunch. Ben was the sole male representation in the crowd. He was a great sport about it. Michelle was an incredible hostess and we always love when she bakes. I think I gained 5 pounds Thursday morning. We had a lovely time getting fat together and being weirded out by the Thanksgiving Day Parade (did anyone else see those 80s dancers wearing nothing but spandex thongs?). After brunch I had Thanksgiving dinner with my parents. Quiet, until we decided to watch all 10 Friends Thanksgiving episodes. Literally hours of laughter.

Friday Carolyn, Katharine and I went to Chipotle for lunch and decided to take some family pictures afterward. You know, for our Christmas card. Because we're a family. Mrs. Hinkamp is always hilarious and I love that there are about 20 blurry photos of us and 3 good ones.

We also made puppy chow at Katharine's and got kisses from Maddie.

And cried over letters telling us we are State Scholars. AKA really smart. AKA go Katharine! And wore footie pajamas and painted pretty canvases like we see on Pinterest. Notice how Carolyn and I stuck to our motivational quotes and Katharine decided to paint Pocahontas. Carolyn's says "Today is the greatest!" and mine say "Kindness is just love with its work boots on."

 From left: Annie, Grace, Kate, Olivia, Dani, Anna, Emily, Kendall, Christine
Saturday night my old small group from church went out to dinner. There were nine of us, half freshmen in college and half seniors in high school. We live everywhere from Nashville to Michigan now that some of us are in college and it was incredible to all be together again. I love that God has made these friendships strong enough to cover miles. I loved that we put all our phones in the middle for the entire dinner so everyone would be present during dinner, and I loved that we did "3-minute catch-ups" to hear about what's going on in everyone's lives. I love that we genuinely care about and support each other through everything.

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