Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Thankful Wall

"What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"
Scary, right? Right.

Thanksgiving is a little bit of a wake-up call for me after three straight months of English papers and Kinesis rehearsals and weekend trips and Young Life dinners and clubs and life. I love being busy and involved and always having something to do. I don't think I could live life at a slow pace. 

But giving thanks is important. And that's why I decided to let it take over my room and make the "Thankful Wall" (that feels cheesy and I love it). It's to remind myself that being thankful for what you have can be lost in the shuffle of taking for granted what you have. I don't like that and I want to change it!

If you must know, a small part of the reason I made the Thankful Wall is because I hate empty white space and I have an abundance of colored Sharpies. I went to town and may or may not have cleaned out our supply of notecards. But in the process I got to think about the incredible blessings in my life and I think that is totally worth it.

So, in case you were wondering, here is a (by no means exhaustive) visual representation of what I am thankful for this year.

I know what you're thinking. "But Kendall, that's only 39 things you are thankful for! I bet there is so much more!" Of course there's more. I really loved thinking about everything I am thankful for, and that's why for the next 39 days, I will be putting up one more thing I am thankful for - that's until December 30th! I am excited to cover all the space on my doors in the next month.

 Thankful for wonderful books like Love Does written by wonderful people like Bob Goff that remind me how wonderful life is. Seriously. Wonderful.

Thankful for a month spent with some of the most incredible people I know, serving campers and more importantly, God. These kids leak Jesus. I can't wait to see them in January!

Thankful that my parents moved here almost completely so I could have a phenomenal education. Thankful that I've learned education is more than memorizing words on a page. 

Thankful for this wonderful group of 23 that I get to spend so much time with every day, dancing or just goofing off. (And yes, I did make a card being thankful for bows that is directly above this one. You bet I did.)

A big heck of an "I'm thankful for..." for Young Life. Thankful for the people I've met and the opportunities I've had and the ways my faith has grown.


Thankful for my silly, goofy parents who have taught me so much about being my own person, among a million other things.

Thankful for this show that basically defined my childhood. Also thankful that we have all ten seasons on DVD that I may or may not stow away in my suitcase for college.

Thankful that I can be thankful for silly things like Pinterest. Thankful for my biggest time-waster and creativity-sparker.

Thankful for this band that has played the soundtrack of my life for so long now. Thankful for being able to see them in concert so many times.

What are you thankful for?

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